3 min read

What you love should be your hobby, but what the marketplace needs should be your business. A business purpose is not to serve you but to serve the market. The needs of the market is priority and not the want of the startup. A product must meet market demands for a startup to be successful, constant inability of  the company to meet up with market fit will result in the total loss of the startup. Achieving a high customer satisfaction rate is important, if the startup wishes to remain in business.
Customers are always said to be right and that's why we will be explaining the importance of product market-fit for startups and also the significance of understanding the target market's needs and how to tailor products to meet those needs in order for Startups to thrive in a competitive market.
Understanding what the market needs, requires an extensive and comprehensive research into the behaviour, wants, likes dos and don'ts of the market place. Most startups begin by offering services and product that dont have value to the market, the company don't get to decide the product, the market place does.

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